I began this blog at the beginning of 2010 as a kind of thinkdump for the process of being an artist and how it differs radically from my intentions, how domestic reality constantly interferes with the creative. In writing this blog I am trying to embrace these interstitial episodes as being the creative.

the links below are anxillary to this theme



Endgame (1957)

Nell: Nothing is funnier than unhappiness.
Nagg: Oh?
Nell: Yes, yes, it's the most comical thing in the world. And we laugh, we laugh, with a will, in the beginning. But it's always the same thing. Yes, it's like the funny story we have heard too often, we still find it funny, but we don't laugh any more.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

well, I'll be gosh-darned

Dear Anna Marya,

Thank you for your application for the position of Administrator at Mimbre. Unfortunately you have not been short-listed on this occasion.

Thank you for your time and we wish you every success in your search for an appropriate position.


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